8 January 2025, University of Vienna, Online
Seminar: Languages of Technology: Prompts, Scripts, Narratives, and Grammars of Composition
Generating Philosophy with Artificial Intelligence
Talk by Enrico Terrone and Nick Young
11 December 2024, IEEE Education Society - Italy Section Chapter, Online
Webinar: Engineering Philosophy and Engineer Philosopher - How Philosophy and Engineering May Enrich Each Other
Engineering, Philosophy, and Artifacts
Talk by Enrico Terrone
6 December 2024, Collège de France, Paris
Workshop: The Metaphysics of Artifacts
Artifacts, Works of Art, and Institutions: Towards a Unified Account?
Talk by Enrico Terrone
28-29 November 2024, Collège de France, Paris
Workshop: The Limits of Fiction
The Two Borders of Fiction: Believing and Entertaining
Keynote by Enrico Terrone
22-23 November 2024, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Institut Jean Nicod (EHESS, CNRS, ENS)
Workshop: Aesthetic Emotions
The Puzzle of the Design of Emotions
Talk by Enrico Terrone
14-16 November 2024, Venice International University, Isola di san Servolo
Conferenza: L’indisciplina delle immagini
Percezione, immaginazione, raffigurazione: la tridimensionalità del visuale
Talk by Enrico Terrone
7-8 November 2024, University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli
Conference: Valuing Nature
Round Table: Values of Nature: The Role of Aesthetics
Talk by Luca Marchetti
23-26 October 2024, Chicago
82nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics
- The Aspectuality of Literary Works
Talk by Vincenzo Grasso - Aesthetically Appreciating Other Animals' Minds
Talk by Luca Marchetti - Contemporary Art and the Challenge of Conservation
Talk by Camilla Palazzolo - The Case of Cross-Categorical Art: Monster or Metaphor?
Talk by Orsola Stancampiano - The Appreciation Game. A Monist Ontology of Works of Art
Talk by Enrico Terrone
25-27 September 2024, University of Sassari, Alghero
Conference: Normative Pictures
Pictorial Experience and the Standard of Correctness
Talk by Luca Marchetti and Enrico Terrone
13-15 September 2024, Department of Philosophy, Sofia University
Varieties of Representations
Perceiving Maps
Talk by Luca Marchetti and Francesco Pierini
11-13 September 2024, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano
ILF PhD Summer School 2024
- Immaginazione esperienziale e valore documentale
Talk by Vincenzo Grasso - I documenti più belli del mondo
Talk by Gaia Penna
6-8 September 2024, St Anne’s College, Oxford
The British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference
- The Aspectuality of Literary Works
Talk by Vincenzo Grasso - Contemporary Art and The Challenge of Conservation
Talk by Camilla Palazzolo - A Peculiar Kind of Non-fiction
Talk by Enrico Terrone
4 September 2024, Uppsala University
The Higher Seminar in Aesthetics
Fictional Worlds and their Peripheries: An Artifactual Approach
Talk by Enrico Terrone
5-9 August 2024, Leuven
ESSLLI 2024 Workshop: “Semantic Foundations for Narratology”
Fictional Worlds and their Peripheries: An Artifactual Approach
Talk by Enrico Terrone
1-8 August 2024, Sapienza University of Rome
World Congress Philosophy Rome 2024
- Contemporary Art and The Challenge of Conservation
Talk by Camilla Palazzolo - The Case of Cross-Categorical Art: Monster or Metaphor?
Talk by Orsola Stancampiano - Gardening and AI Art
Talk by Enrico Terrone and Nick Young
24 June 2024, Università di Genova
Fino PhD Program Course - Theoretical curriculum
Ontologia e fenomenologia degli artefatti
Seminar by Francesco Pierini, Enrico Terrone and Nick Young
10 June 2024, IUSS Pavia
Workshop “Mind, Art & Technology”
Experiential Artifacts and the System of the Arts
Talk by Enrico Terrone
6-8 June 2024, Università di Napoli “L'Orientale”
The European Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference
- The Aspectuality of Literary Works
Talk by Vincenzo Grasso (Essay Prize Finalist) - Artworks and Artifacts: The Metaphysical and Epistemological Implications of AI-Driven Creative Technologies
Talk by Irene Olivero - The Aesthetic Specificty of Virtual Reality
Talk by Luca Marchetti and Nick Young - Contemporary Art and The Challenge of Conservation
Talk by Camilla Palazzolo - The Case of Cross-Categorical Art: Monster or Metaphor?
Talk by Orsola Stancampiano - The Artifactual Theory of Depiction: From Paintings and Sculptures to Virtual Reality
Talk by Enrico Terrone
30 May 2024, Venezia
XXII Convegno annuale della Società Italiana d’Estetica
A Peculiar Kind of Non-fiction
Talk by Enrico Terrone
9 May 2024, Wright Center for Computation & Just Communities, Dartmouth College
Growing the Image: Gardening and Generative AI
Talk by Enrico Terrone
16 April 2024, London School of Economics
LSE ECR Workshop on Animal Minds
Appreciating Other Minds
Talk by Luca Marchetti
15-19 April 2024, The Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik
10th Dubrovnik Conference on the Philosophy of Art
- Contemporary Art and The Challenge of Conservation
Talk by Camilla Palazzolo - The Case of Cross-Categorical Art: Monster or Metaphor?
Talk by Orsola Stancampiano
13 April 2024, Paris Center, Rice University
Conference: Aesthetics of Consciousness
- The Aesthetic Appreciation of Experience
Talk by Nick Young - The Color Patch: How the Aesthetic Appreciation of Consciousness Contributes to the Aesthetic Appreciation of the Universe
Keynote by Enrico Terrone
8 April 2024, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
Frasi di immagini. Pragmatica e fenomenologia del montaggio
Talk by Enrico Terrone
8 March 2024, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice
Les images comme artefacts: des peintures et sculptures à la réalité virtuelle
Talk by Enrico Terrone
28 February 2024, Université de Neuchâtel
Conference: Digital Artifacts
Through a Textbox Darkly. The Metaphysics of Large Language Models
Talk by Enrico Terrone and Nick Young
23 February 2024, New Orleans
The American Philosophical Association Central Division – One Hundred Twenty-First Annual Meeting
Author Meets Critics: Concept TV: An Aesthetics of Television Series
Panel with Enrico Terrone
21 February 2024, Uppsala University
The Higher Seminar in Aesthetics
The Aesthetics of Invisible Design
Talk by Nick Young
19 December 2023, UNED, Madrid
METIS Seminar
The Aesthetic Appreciation of the Universe
Talk by Enrico Terrone
16 December 2023, Université de Fribourg
Conference: Beyond Reality? Virtuality and Experience
An Experiential Taxonomy of Depictive Representations: From Paintings and Sculptures to Virtual Reality
Keynote by Enrico Terrone
14 December 2023, Università di Genova
19th AISC Conference
Symposium: The Artful Mind in the Digital Age
- Artistic Deepfakes: Metaphysics and Semantics
Talk by Irene Olivero - Poetry, Recalcitrance, and GPT-4
Talk by Nick Young and Enrico Terrone - Ontology of Virtual Reality: Beyond the Physical
Talk by Luca Marchetti
15-18 November 2023, Arlington, Virginia
81st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics
- Panel: Richard Richards' Naturalized Aesthetics
Talk by Luca Marchetti - Panel: The Aesthetic Appreciation of Design: Good, Bad and Many Functions
Talk by Nick Young and Enrico Terrone
14 November 2023, Tufts University, Boston
The Good, the Bad, and the Not Too Bad. Ethics and Aesthetics of Movie Characters
Talk by Mario De Caro and Enrico Terrone
1 November 2023, Galata Museo del Mare, Genova
Festival della Scienza
La natura si ribella
Talk by Ferdinando Boero and Enrico Terrone
20 October 2023, Università di Verona
Convegno: Comporre, scomporre, ricomporre. Il montaggio come forma dell'esperienza
Frasi di immagini
Talk by Enrico Terrone
11 September 2023, Rice University, Houston
Salvation and Grace. On Eric Rohmer’s Ma nuit chez Maud
Talk by Enrico Terrone
7-9 September 2023, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria
15th Sifa Conference
- The Ontology of Virtual Reality
Talk by Luca Marchetti - Paradigms and Ectypes: What is the “Nature” of Deepfakes?
Talk by Irene Olivero - Gardening and AI Art
Talk by Enrico Terrone and Nick Young
21-25 August 2023, University of Vienna
The 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy
- Which Method for Engineering Concepts and Technologies?
Talk by Irene Olivero - Process Aesthetics and Music
Talk by Nick Young - The Appreciation Game. A Monist Ontology of Works of Art
Aesthetics Keynote Address by Enrico Terrone
11 July 2023, The Magic Circle Theatre, London
BSA Workshop on the Art and Aesthetics of Illusion
VR Devices as (Aiming at) Illusion Machines
Talk by Luca Marchetti
3-5 July 2023, Università degli Studi di Palermo
Conference: Scientific Thought in Animation and Comics
Immagini inimmaginabili. Come l'animazione contribuisce all'apprezzamento estetico dell'universo
Keynote by Enrico Terrone
29 June - 1 July 2024, House of Music Hungary, Budapest
The European Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference
The Aesthetic Appreciation of the Universe
Talk by Enrico Terrone
9-13 June 2023, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
Summer School "Reality+"
VR and Pictorial Experience. Seeing-in, Seeing-as, and the Transparency Effect
Talk by Luca Marchetti
24 May 2023, 14h15, Online Conference
CEPE 2023: Human-AI Interaction and the Future
Session “AI in Society”: “Which Method for Engineering Concepts and Technologies?”
Talk by Irene Olivero
22 May 2023, 15h00, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli
Perception and Emotions in Virtual Environments
Talk by Luca Marchetti
18 May 2023, Università di Parma
Workshop "Scienza, immaginazione e verità"
Imagining Fictional Worlds
Talk by Enrico Terrone
5 April 2023, Universitat de Barcelona
Workshop on Fiction
Imagining Fictional Worlds
Talk by Enrico Terrone
9 December 2022, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris
Colloquium de philosophie de Jean Nicod
A Taxonomy of Representational Artifacts
Talk by Enrico Terrone
18 November 2022, Portland, Oregon
80th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics
The Paradox of Taste to the Experimental Test
Talk by Enrico Terrone; discussant: Javier Gomez Lavin
12 November 2022, 17h00, Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale, Torino
Biennale Tecnologia
Nuove immagini e nuove tecno-percezioni per una nuova estetica?
Talk by Andrea Pinotti; discussants: Enrico Terrone e Carlo Serra
29 September 2022, 11h45, University of Groningen
Workshop: Fiction and Narrative across Media
Taking Abstract Artifacts Seriously. The Functioning and Malfunctioning of Fictional Characters
Talk by Enrico Terrone